Do you need $1 million to retire

Recently there has been commentary suggesting retirees will need $1 million in superannuation to retire comfortably.

The Association of Superannuation Funds Australia (ASFA) state a couple will need $640,000 and singles $540,000 in their Super to retire comfortably.

At GAP Financial we have clients with under $300,000 in Superannuation enjoying a comfortable retirement.

So which number is it? How much do you actually need to retire comfortably?

Well like most questions of this nature, it depends.

The aim of this White Paper is to shed light on how much one needs to retire with a bit more science, and in doing so help aspirant retirees to plan and feel more confident about their financial future.

Download our white paper to discover how much you really need to retire.


How much can you spend in retirement?